Lets talk about transporting. In most criminal business
transporting is the most dangerous jobs. I say never to transport to
the customer make them come to you. But this can cause heat.
Unless it is a high traffic area like a store or business front. You
should all was have a front. I will go into fronts later back to
transporting. Now I have never shipped across international lines.
So I am talking about form state to state or form storage to front.
There are two good ways of shipping; 1 is a runner, 2 is through
trucking companies;. Runners work real good for around town. But
when running across state there are some issues. You see if a cop
see the same out of state car come throught once or twice a week.
He is going to pull you over and check you out. A runner should be
able to drive with out speeding or braking an rules of the road. His
car should look just like any other car on the road. He should never
drive drunk or stoned. He should just blend in with all the other
cars. They should have a car looks normal but it should have some
custom gear like radar detectors, police scaners, gps, and we used
drop boxs. They work great. A drop box is when you take an
electromagnet and mount it under your car. You wire it to a switch
on your dashboard. Then you sleeve a metal box into some trash
looking object. When a cop pulls you over you can hit the switch
and pull forward a little more and the box is now under his car.
If you are shipping across state lines You will need a better plan.
State troopers are always looking for people shipping illegal
objests. It is better to use truck drivers that have no idea that they
are shipping illegal objects. They do not get pulled over much and
hardly ever searched. A state trooper does not notice a truck
come through over and over. The problem with using a trucking
company is that you have to have a reason for shipping stuff.
I worked for a group at owned a car lot as a front and they
shipped drugs in the used car they bought in texas. They would
8 to 12 cars take the cars to a shop and have the cars packed with
cocaine. Then we would hire a car hauler to bring the cars back
to our lot. If he got pulled over he would take the fall and he did
not know anything so he could not rat you at. The real money in
drugs is in the shipping across state lines you can get pot in
Taxes for half the price you can get in Alabama. But if you try
to use runners to ship across states they will get caught in time.
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